Some nouns related to the topic of currency:

  1. Banknotes
  2. Coins
  3. Exchange rate
  4. Foreign exchange
  5. Inflation
  6. Devaluation
  7. Reserve currency
  8. Central bank
  9. Forex market
  10. Monetary policy
  11. Currency exchange
  12. Digital currency
  13. Crypto-currency
  14. Currency conversion
  15. Exchange rate regime
  16. Money
  17. Coins
  18. Bills
  19. Savings account
  20. Budget
  21. Income
  22. Expenses
  23. Purchases
  24. Savings
  25. Piggy bank
  26. ATM
  27. Credit card
  28. Debit card
  29. Currency symbols (such as the $, €, ¥, etc.)
  30. Currency exchange (introduced in simple terms)

Verbs related to the topic of currency:

  1. Earn
  2. Save
  3. Spend
  4. Invest
  5. Borrow
  6. Lend
  7. Exchange
  8. Convert
  9. Deposit
  10. Withdraw
  11. Budget
  12. Calculate
  13. Compare
  14. Shop
  15. Trade
  16. Invest
  17. Monitor
  18. Manage
  19. Regulate
  20. Balance
  21. Review
  22. Check
  23. Estimate
  24. Audit
  25. Save up
  26. Cash out
  27. Haggle
  28. Donate
  29. Barter
  30. Gamble

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