The present continuous, also known as the present progressive, is a verb tense used to describe an action that is happening right now at the moment of speaking or around the present time.

It is formed by using the present tense of the auxiliary verb “to be” (am/is/are) followed by the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb.

For example, “I am writing this sentence” indicates that the action of writing is happening at the moment of speaking. Here, “am writing” is the present continuous tense.

The present continuous tense can also be used to describe actions that are ongoing but not necessarily happening at the moment of speaking. For example, “I am studying for my exam” indicates that the action of studying is ongoing at the present time, but it may not be happening at the exact moment of speaking.

The present continuous tense can also be used to describe future actions that are planned or scheduled. For example, “I am meeting my friend tomorrow” indicates that the action of meeting is planned for the future.

It’s important to note that the present continuous tense is often used in combination with time expressions such as “now,” “at the moment,” “right now,” “currently,” and “these days” to indicate the ongoing nature of the action in the present.

some additional details about the present continuous tense:

  1. Non-continuous verbs: Some verbs cannot be used in the present continuous tense because they describe states rather than actions. For example, “I am knowing the answer” is not correct because “know” is a state verb, not an action verb. Other examples of state verbs include “believe,” “love,” “hate,” “want,” and “need.”

  2. Emphasis on ongoing actions: The present continuous tense is often used to emphasize the ongoing nature of an action or activity, especially when it is in contrast to a completed or habitual action. For example, “I am studying for my exam” emphasizes that the studying is ongoing, whereas “I have studied for my exam” emphasizes that the studying is already completed.

  3. Temporary actions: The present continuous tense is also used to describe temporary actions or situations that are happening now, but may not continue into the future. For example, “I am staying with my friends for a few days” or “She is working at the store until she finds a new job.”

  4. Adverbs of frequency: Adverbs of frequency such as “always,” “usually,” “often,” and “sometimes” are typically not used with the present continuous tense because it emphasizes the ongoing nature of the action rather than its frequency. However, adverbs of frequency can be used with the present continuous to indicate a recurring action, such as “I am always forgetting my keys.”

  5. Question and negative forms: To form a question in the present continuous tense, invert the subject and auxiliary verb, such as “Are you studying?” For negative statements, add “not” after the auxiliary verb, such as “She is not working today.”

(also called Present Progressive)

We often use the Present Continuous tense in English. It is very different from the present simple tense, both in structure and in use.

We use the Present Continuous to talk about:

  • The action is happening now



I am studying English at school now.

(Saya sedang belajar bahasa Inggris di sekolah sekarang)


He is reading a newspaper now.

(Dia sedang membaca koran sekarang)


She is washing her cloth for this time.

(Dia sedang mencuci kainnya untuk saat ini)


They are spending their holiday in Jakarta now.

(Mereka sedang menghabiskan liburan mereka di Jakarta sekarang)


My brother is playing a game now.

(Adikku sedang bermain game sekarang)


My father is watching a movie on the TV now.

(Ayah saya sedang menonton film di TV sekarang)


I am managing my online business.

(Saya mengelola bisnis online says)


He is taking a bath now, please wait.

(Dia sedang mandi sekarang, tolong tunggu)


It is raining season.

(Sekarang sedang adalah musim hujan)


The moon is shining.

(Bulan sedang bersinar)



The phone is not vibrating now.

(Telepon tidak bergetar sekarang)


I am not cooking.

(Saya tidak memasak)


Rahmanu is not in Paris at the moment.

(Rahmanu tidak ada di Paris saat ini)


She is not staying at Van’s Hotel.

(Perempuan itu tidak menginap di Van’s Hotel)


My parents are not living in Jakarta.

(Orang tua saya tidak tinggal di Jakarta)


He is not teaching at the moment.

(Laki-laki itu tidak sedang mengajar saat ini)


The Nile River is not flowing into the Mediterranean.

(Sungai Nil tidak sedang mengalir ke Mediterania)


We are not planting watermelon at the moment.

(Kami tidak sedang menanam semangka saat ini)


They are not drying her laundry now.

(Mereka tidak mengeringkan cuciannya sekarang)


They are not speaking with their friend now.

(Mereka tidak sedang berbicara dengan teman mereka sekarang)



Are we cooking in the kitchen?

(Apakah kita sedang memasak di dapur?)


Are his brother and my mother making the cake?

(Apakah kakaknya dan ibuku sedang membuat kue?)


Are they making the test?

(Apakah mereka sedang membuat tes?)


Is she cleaning the floor?

(Apakah dia sedang membersihkan lantai?)


Is Nick helping his friend now?

(Apakah Nick membantu temannya sekarang?)


Is it shining?

(Apakah benda ini sedang bersinar?)


Are you taking the pencil?

(Apakah kamu sedang mengambil pensil?)


Are we meeting in the city?

(Apakah kita sedang bertemu di kota?)


Are they giving the software?

(Apakah mereka sedang memberikan perangkat lunak?)


Are you watching a horror movie?

(Apakah anda sedang menonton film horor?)


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