The Future Simple tense is often called the “will tense” because we make the Future Simple with the modal auxiliary will.

No Plan

How do we use the future tense?

We use the Future Simple tense when there is no plan or decision to do something before we speak. We make the decision spontaneously at the time of speaking. Look at these examples:

  • Hold on. I‘ll get a pen.
  • We will see what we can do to help you.
  • Maybe we‘ll stay in and watch television tonight.

In these examples, we had no firm plan before speaking. The decision is made at the time of speaking.

We often use the Future Simple tense with the verb to think before it:

  • think I’ll go to the gym tomorrow.
  • think I will have a holiday next year.
  • I don’t think I’ll buy that car.


We often use the Future Simple tense to make a prediction about the future. Again, there is no firm plan. We are saying what we think will happen. Here are some examples:

  • It will rain tomorrow.
  • People won’t go to Jupiter before the 22nd century.
  • Who do you think will get the job?



Your children will live in this country.

(Kalian anak-anak akan menetap di negara ini.)


We will paint our house next week.

(Kami akan mengecat rumah kami minggu depan.)


You will cry.

(Anda akan menangis.)


They will write a letter to their best friend.

(Mereka akan menulis surat untuk sahabat mereka.)


He will close the shop.

(Laki-laki itu akan menutup took)


She will see her friend at the weekend.

(Perempuan itu akan bertemu temannya di akhir pekan.)


I will read the newspaper when I go to the bus station.

(Saya akan membaca koran ketika saya pergi ke stasiun bus.)



The sun will rise at 6:00 am tomorrow.

(matahari akan terbit pada pukul 6:00 pagi besok.)


They will arrive in two hours.

(Mereka akan tiba dalam dua jam.)


He will help you tomorrow.

(Laki-laki itu akan membantumu besok.)




They will not see her tomorrow.

(Mereka tidak aman melihat perempuan itu besok.)


They will not go to the gym.

(Mereka tidak akan pergi ke tempat gym.)


I will not go to London next week.

(Saya tidak akan pergi ke London minggu depan.)


I will not meet my general manager next month.

(Saya tidak akan bertemu dengan manajer says bulan depan.)


She won’t do the ironing.

(Perempuan itu tidak akan menyetrika.)


It will not be windy tomorrow morning.

(Besok pagi tidak akan berangin)


He will not buy her a house.

(laki-laki itu tidak akan membelikannya sebuah rumah.)


She will not cry.

(Perempuan itu tidak akan menangis.)


You will not miss her in the future.

(Anda tidak akan merindukan perempuan itu di masa depan.)


They will not come here tomorrow.

(Mereka tidak akan datang ke sini besok.)




Will Mark fix his car?

(Apakah Mark akan memperbaiki mobilnya?)


Will they go to the theatre?

(Apakah mereka akan pergi ke teater?)


Will your father apply for a new job tomorrow?

(Apakah ayahmu akan melamar pekerjaan baru besok?)


Will we go to the theatre?

(Apakah kami akan pergi ke teater?)


Will they go to the new department store?

(Apakah mereka akan pergi ke tempat perbelanjaan baru?)


Will you go to eat?

(Apakah anda akan makan?)


Will we be back on Sunday from holiday?

(Apakah kami akan kembali pada hari Minggu dari hari libur?)


Will you stay at home on weekend?

(Apakah anda akan tinggal di rumah pada akhir pekan?)


Will he call me tomorrow?

(Apakah laki-laki itu akan menelepon saya besok?)


Will she miss you when you move to another workplace?

(Apakah Perempuan itu akan merindukanmu ketika kamu pindah kerja?)