Several nouns related to taking reservations by phone:

  1. Reservation
  2. Phone call
  3. Customer
  4. Availability
  5. Date
  6. Time
  7. Party size
  8. Confirmation
  9. System
  10. Process
  11. Logbook
  12. Spreadsheet
  13. Recording
  14. Information
  15. Accuracy
  16. Receptionist
  17. Caller
  18. Bookings
  19. Schedule
  20. Restaurant
  21. Hotel
  22. Venue
  23. Availability calendar
  24. Waitlist
  25. Cancellation
  26. No-show
  27. Reservation policy
  28. Seating arrangement
  29. Reservation confirmation number
  30. Deposit

some action verbs related to taking reservations by phone:

  1. Answer
  2. Respond
  3. Greet
  4. Verify
  5. Record
  6. Collect
  7. Confirm
  8. Check availability
  9. Reserve
  10. Schedule
  11. Hold
  12. Update
  13. Cancel
  14. Rebook
  15. Follow up
  16. Attend to
  17. Receive
  18. Take down
  19. Note
  20. Enter
  21. Retrieve
  22. Suggest
  23. Discuss
  24. Offer alternatives
  25. Advise
  26. Amend
  27. Customize
  28. Upsell
  29. Cross-sell
  30. Thank
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