1. “I’m sorry, but Jane is currently unavailable. Can I take a message?” – This is a polite way to inform the caller that the person they are trying to reach is not available.

  2. “Can I have your name and contact information, please?” – It’s important to ask for the caller’s name and contact information to ensure that the message is accurately delivered.

  3. “What is the nature of your call?” – This question can help the recipient of the message understand the reason for the call and prioritize their follow-up actions.

  4. “When would be the best time for the person to call you back?” – Asking for a preferred callback time can help ensure that the message is returned in a timely manner.

  5. “I’ll make sure to pass along your message and ask the person to contact you as soon as possible.” – It’s important to confirm that the message will be delivered and that the person can expect a response.

  6. “Is there anything else you’d like to add to the message?” – This question can give the caller an opportunity to provide any additional details or information that they feel is important.

Remember to speak clearly, ask questions when necessary, and confirm the accuracy of the information before ending the conversation.


Caller: Hi, can I speak with Maria please?

You: I’m sorry, Maria is in a meeting at the moment. Can I take a message for her?

Caller: Yes, please. My name is Alex and I’m calling from ABC Corporation. I need to discuss the new project with her and set up a meeting.

You: Okay, Alex. Can you please provide me with your phone number and email address so that Maria can contact you?

Caller: Sure, my phone number is 555-6789 and my email address is

You: Great, thanks for that information, Alex. Is there a specific time when Maria can call you back?

Caller: Yes, I’m available in the afternoons, from 1 PM to 5 PM.

You: Okay, I’ll let Maria know that you called and that you’re interested in discussing the new project. She will get back to you as soon as possible.

Caller: Thank you very much.

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