Prepositions of place are words that describe the location or position of an object or person. They indicate where something is located in relation to another object or person. Some common prepositions of place include:

  1. In – Used to indicate an object or person is inside of something. For example: The cat is in the box.

  2. On – Used to indicate an object or person is in contact with the surface of something. For example: The book is on the table.

  3. At – Used to indicate an object or person is at a specific location. For example: The party is at the park.

Preposition ‘At’

The preposition “at” is commonly used to indicate a specific point or location. It is often used to describe a particular place where an event or activity is happening. Here are some examples:

– I’ll meet you at the coffee shop.

– The party is at John’s house.

– The concert is at the stadium.

– The lecture is at the university.

In addition to indicating a specific location, “at” can also be used to describe certain places or buildings, such as:

– At the airport

– At the train station

– At the museum

– At the mall

Here are some examples:

– I’ll pick you up at the airport.

– We’ll meet at the train station.

– We spent the afternoon at the museum.

– Let’s go shopping at the mall.

In general, “at” is used to describe a specific point or location and is most commonly used to describe a place where an event or activity is happening. It can also be used to describe certain places or buildings.



The preposition “on” is commonly used to indicate a surface that an object or person is located on. It is often used to describe the placement of an object or person in relation to a surface. Here are some examples:

– The book is on the table.

– The picture is on the wall.

– The cup is on the coaster.

– The cat is on the chair.

In addition to indicating a surface, “on” can also be used to describe certain modes of transportation, such as:

– On the bus

– On the train

– On the plane

Here are some examples:

– I usually read on the bus during my commute.

– We took a trip on the train last weekend.

– I prefer to travel on the plane when going long distances.

In general, “on” is used to describe a surface or a mode of transportation and is most commonly used to indicate the placement of an object or person on a surface.



The preposition “in” is commonly used to indicate that something or someone is located within the boundaries of a space, container or volume. It is often used to describe the placement of an object or person inside a physical area. Here are some examples:

– The cat is in the box.

– The ball is in the basket.

– The books are in the backpack.

– The children are in the classroom.

In addition to indicating a physical space, “in” can also be used to describe membership or inclusion within a group or organization, such as:

– In the club

– In the team

– In the company

Here are some examples:

– I’m in the chess club at school.

– He plays on the soccer team.

– She works in a marketing company.

In general, “in” is used to describe the placement of an object or person within a physical space or container, as well as membership or inclusion within a group or organization.