Nouns related to the act of taking a restaurant reservation by phone:

  1. Reservation
  2. Customer
  3. Caller
  4. Host/Hostess
  5. Date
  6. Time
  7. Availability
  8. Confirmation
  9. Restaurant
  10. Phone call
  11. Party size
  12. Name
  13. Reservation book
  14. Seating preferences
  15. Restaurant policies
  16. Wait time
  17. Special requests
  18. Cancellation policy
  19. Credit card information
  20. Reservation confirmation number
  21. Call duration
  22. Caller ID
  23. Waitlist
  24. VIP status
  25. Reservation fee
  26. Private room
  27. Group event
  28. Dietary restrictions
  29. Gift card
  30. Reservation reminder

Verbs related to the topic of “restaurant”:

  1. Order
  2. Serve
  3. Cook
  4. Prepare
  5. Host
  6. Seat
  7. Take
  8. Pay
  9. Recommend
  10. Suggest
  11. Welcome
  12. Present
  13. Pour
  14. Mix
  15. Cater
  16. Reserve
  17. Confirm
  18. Cancel
  19. Cook to order
  20. Taste
  21. Deliver
  22. Clean
  23. Garnish
  24. Package
  25. Schedule
  26. Manage
  27. Run
  28. Refill
  29. Wrap
  30. Pick up

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