Prepositions of time are words used to describe when an action takes place, how long an action lasts, or the frequency with which an action occurs. Some common prepositions of time include:

  1. At – Used to indicate a specific time of day or night.

    For example: I have a meeting at 9:00 am.

  2. On – Used to indicate a specific day or date.

    For example: The concert is on Saturday.

  3. In – Used to indicate a period of time, such as a month, season, or year.

    For example: I will start my new job in July.


The preposition “at” is commonly used to indicate a specific point in time. It is used to describe a precise time of day or night, such as an appointment, a scheduled event, or a specific moment. Here are some examples:

– I have a meeting at 10:00 am.

– The concert starts at 7:00 pm.

– The store closes at 9:00 pm.

– She usually wakes up at 6:00 am.

In addition to indicating a precise time of day, “at” can also be used to describe certain time expressions, such as:

– At night

– At dawn

– At dusk

– At noon

– At midnight

Here are some examples:

– I like to stargaze at night.

– The rooster crows at dawn.

– We usually go for a walk at dusk.

– We have lunch at noon.

– We rang in the new year at midnight.

In general, “at” is used to describe a specific point in time, and is most commonly used with clock times, but it can also be used to describe certain time expressions.



The preposition “on” is used to indicate a specific day or date. It is commonly used with days of the week, dates, and holidays. Here are some examples:

– I have a doctor’s appointment on Monday.

– We’re having a party on the 4th of July.

– She was born on December 25th.

– We usually have a big dinner on Thanksgiving.

In addition to indicating a specific day or date, “on” can also be used with certain expressions of time, such as:

– On the weekend

– On my birthday

– On New Year’s Eve

– On Christmas Day

Here are some examples:

– We like to go hiking on the weekends.

– I usually get a lot of presents on my birthday.

– We usually stay up late on New Year’s Eve.

– We open our presents on Christmas Day.

In general, “on” is used to describe a specific day or date and is most commonly used with days of the week, dates, and holidays.



The preposition “in” is used to indicate a period of time in the future or past, such as a month, season, year, or decade. It can also be used to indicate a duration of time. Here are some examples:

– I have a vacation planned in August.

– The flowers will bloom in the spring.

– I was born in 1990.

– The Beatles were popular in the 1960s.

– I will finish my degree in two years.

In addition to indicating a period of time or duration, “in” can also be used with certain expressions of time, such as:

– In the morning

– In the afternoon

– In the evening

– In the summer

– In the winter

Here are some examples:

– I like to exercise in the morning.

– We usually have lunch in the afternoon.

– We like to watch movies in the evening.

– We usually go swimming in the summer.

– We like to ski in the winter.

In general, “in” is used to describe a period of time, duration or a time expression and is most commonly used with months, seasons, years, and decades.


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