Taking payment at the table, also known as tableside payment, is a process where a server or staff member takes payment from a customer directly at the table, instead of the traditional method of having the customer pay at a register or cashier. This process is becoming increasingly popular in the food and hospitality industry, especially in fine dining restaurants and cafes.

The benefits of taking payment at the table include faster payment processing, increased efficiency, and improved customer satisfaction. With tableside payment, customers don’t have to wait in line to pay their bills, and they can review their receipts and check for any errors or discrepancies before leaving the establishment. This process also reduces the risk of credit card fraud or theft, as the customer’s card never leaves their sight.

To implement tableside payment, restaurants and cafes can use portable payment terminals that connect wirelessly to their payment system, such as a point-of-sale (POS) system. These terminals can accept various forms of payment, including credit cards, debit cards, and mobile payments like Apple Pay and Google Wallet. Some establishments may also use mobile payment apps that allow customers to pay using their smartphones.

Overall, taking payment at the table is a convenient and secure way to process transactions in the food and hospitality industry. It streamlines the payment process, reduces the risk of fraud and theft, and enhances the customer experience.


The example conversation about taking payment at the table:

Server: Good evening, sir. Can I get you anything else, or are you ready for the check?

Customer: Yes, I think we’re ready for the check. Can we pay at the register?

Server: Actually, we offer tableside payment here. Would you like me to bring over our portable payment terminal so you can pay directly at your table?

Customer: Oh, that sounds convenient. Can we pay with a credit card?

Server: Yes, we accept all major credit cards. I’ll bring the terminal over right away.

( Server brings over the portable payment terminal )

Server: Here you go, sir. You can insert or swipe your card to process the payment.

Customer: Alright, let me just review the bill first. (reviews bill on the terminal)

Server: Sure, take your time. Let me know if you have any questions or if there are any errors on the bill.

Customer: No, everything looks good. I’ll go ahead and insert my card now. (inserts card)

Server: Great, just enter your PIN and press the green button to complete the transaction.

Customer: (enters PIN and presses button) All done. That was quick and easy.

Server: Yes, tableside payment is a convenient option for our customers. Thank you for dining with us, and have a great evening!

example 2

An example conversation that includes a brief explanation of the tableside payment process:

Server: Good afternoon, folks. Have you decided on your dessert or would you like me to bring out the check?

Customer: We’re ready for the check, please.

Server: Great. Just to let you know, we offer tableside payment here. That means I can process your payment right at the table using a portable payment terminal.

Customer: Oh, that sounds convenient. Can we use a credit card?

Server: Absolutely. We accept all major credit cards. Here’s how it works: I’ll bring over the portable payment terminal, which will wirelessly connect to our payment system. You’ll be able to review your bill on the terminal, insert or swipe your card, and enter your PIN to complete the transaction. That way, your card never leaves your sight and you’ll get a receipt right away.

Customer: That sounds great. Let’s go ahead with that.

Server: Okay, I’ll be right back with the terminal. (brings over the terminal) Here you go. You can use the touch screen to select your payment method, insert or swipe your card, and enter your PIN.

Customer: (reviews bill on the terminal) Everything looks good. I’ll insert my card now.

Server: (points to the touch screen) Great. Just follow the prompts to complete the transaction.

Customer: (enters PIN and presses button) Done.

Server: Perfect. Your payment has been processed, and here’s your receipt. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Customer: No, we’re all set. Thank you for explaining the process to us.

Server: My pleasure. Thank you for dining with us, and have a great day!


Server: Hi there, are you ready to pay your bill?

Customer: Yes, please. How can I pay?

Server: We offer tableside payment here. I’ll bring over a portable payment terminal that will connect to our payment system. You can use it to review your bill, select your payment method, and complete the transaction right at your table.

Customer: Okay, that sounds easy enough.

Server: Great, I’ll be right back with the terminal. (brings over the terminal) Here you go. Just follow the instructions on the screen to insert or swipe your card, after that, enter your PIN, and receive your receipt.

Customer: (reviews bill on the terminal) Everything looks good. I’ll insert my card now.

Server: Perfect. Just insert it into the slot and wait for it to process.

Customer: (enters PIN and waits for the payment to process)

Server: (verifies payment) All done. Here’s your receipt. Thank you for dining with us today.

Customer: Thank you. That was really convenient.

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